What's new in CCIP v1.2?
Overview of additions to Chainlink CCIP in version 1.2
Last updated
Overview of additions to Chainlink CCIP in version 1.2
Last updated
The Chainlink Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) provides a single simple interface through which dApps and web3 entrepreneurs can securely meet all their cross-chain needs, including token transfers and arbitrary messaging.
To build Cross-Chain NFTs with Chainlink CCIP, let's first quickly recap from previous Masterclasses what one can do with Chainlink CCIP. With Chainlink CCIP, one can:
Transfer (supported) tokens
Send any kind of data
Send both tokens and data
CCIP sender can be:
Any smart contract
CCIP receiver can be:
Any smart contract that implements CCIPReceiver.sol
CCIP v1.0.0 has been deprecated on testnet. Here is the brief overview of additions to Chainlink CCIP with this latest release:
There is no change to the CCIP Router interface. However, new Router contracts were deployed, so you must use new Router addresses mentioned in the Official Chainlink Documentation to switch to the 1.2 version.
The support for USDC token transfers has been added.
The message sequencing process in Chainlink CCIP message handling has been simplified by removing the strict
sequencing flag from the extraArgs
That means that extraArgs: Client._argsToBytes(Client.EVMExtraArgsV1({gasLimit: 0, strict: false}))
syntax became extraArgs: Client._argsToBytes(Client.EVMExtraArgsV1({gasLimit: 0}))
This is a good moment to recap one of the CCIP Development Best Practices from previous Masterclasses: make sure that extraArgs
is mutable in production deployments. The purpose of extraArgs
is to allow compatibility with future CCIP upgrades. This allows you to build it off-chain and pass it in a call to a function or store it in a variable that you can update on-demand.
To make extraArgs
mutable, which essentially is a bytes
variable under the hood, store them in a storage variable that only owner of the contract can update using a setter function or pass it as a function argument. To calculate which bytes
value to pass, you can create a helper script like this:
The gas limit and maximum message data length for CCIP messages have been adjusted on testnets. These changes are detailed in the Service Limits documentation.
If you currently use CCIP v1.0.0, use the @chainlink/contracts-ccip npm package version 0.7.6. To migrate to v1.2.0, use version 1.2.1 of the npm package or later.
USDC is a digital dollar backed 100% and is always redeemable 1:1 for US dollars. The stablecoin is issued by Circle on multiple blockchain platforms.
Fundamentally, CCIP Architecture remained unchanged meaning that all we learned in past Masterclasses about transferring tokens and data just works with USDC as well. Meaning that sender has to interact with the CCIP router to initiate a cross-chain transaction, similar to the process for any other token transfers. The process uses the same onchain components including the Router
, OnRamp
, Commit Store
, OffRamp
, and Token Pool
smart contracts. The process uses the same offchain components including the Committing DON
, Executing DON
, and the Risk Management Network
The diagram below shows that the USDC token pools and Executing DON handle the integration with Circle’s contracts and offchain CCTP Attestation API. As with any other supported ERC-20 token, USDC has a linked token pool on each supported blockchain to facilitate OnRamp and OffRamp operations.
The following describes the operational process:
On the source blockchain:
When the sender initiates a transfer of USDC, the USDC token pool interacts with CCTP’s contract to burn USDC tokens and specifies the USDC token pool address on the destination blockchain as the authorized caller to mint them.
CCTP burns the specified USDC tokens and emits an associated CCTP event.
Circle attestation service listens to CCTP events on the source blockchain.
CCIP Executing DON listens to relevant CCTP events on the source blockchain. When it captures such an event, it calls the Circle Attestation service API to request an attestation. An attestation is a signed authorization to mint the specified amount of USDC on the destination blockchain.
On the destination blockchain:
The Executing DON provides the attestation to the OffRamp contract.
The OffRamp contract calls the USDC token pool with the USDC amount to be minted and the Circle attestation.
The USDC token pool calls the CCTP contract. The CCTP contract verifies the attestation signature before minting the specified USDC amount into the CCIP receiver.
The USDC token pool transfers the specified USDC amount to the CCIP receiver.
If there is data in the CCIP message, then the OffRamp contract transmits the CCIP message to the Router contract.
To learn more about how CCTP attestations work, check out Circle's Official Documentation.