CCIPLocalSimulatorFork.js API

API methods


async function requestLinkFromTheFaucet(linkAddress: string, to: string, amount: bigint): Promise<string>;

Requests LINK tokens from the faucet and returns the transaction hash.


  • linkAddress (string) - The address of the LINK contract on the current network.

  • to (string) - The address to send LINK to.

  • amount (bigint) - The amount of LINK to request.

Return values:

  • Promise<string> - Promise resolving to the transaction hash of the fund transfer.


function getEvm2EvmMessage(receipt: TransactionReceipt): Evm2EvmMessage | null;

Parses a transaction receipt to extract the sent message. Scans through transaction logs to find a CCIPSendRequested event and then decodes it to Evm2EvmMessage.


  • receipt (TransactionReceipt) - The transaction receipt from the ccipSend call.

Return values:

  • Evm2EvmMessage | null - Returns either the sent message or null if provided receipt does not contain CCIPSendRequested log. Evm2EvmMessage tuple:

    • sourceChainSelector (bigint)

    • sender (string)

    • receiver (string)

    • sequenceNumber (bigint)

    • gasLimit (bigint)

    • strict (boolean)

    • nonce (bigint)

    • feeToken (string)

    • feeTokenAmount (bigint)

    • data (string)

    • tokenAmounts ([])

    • sourceTokenData ([])

    • messageId (string)


async function routeMessage(routerAddress: string, evm2EvmMessage: Evm2EvmMessage): Promise<void>;

Routes the sent message from the source network (got it from the getEvm2EvmMessage function) on the destination (current) network.


  • routerAddress (string) - The address of the destination Router contract (Router on the current network).

  • evm2EvmMessage (Evm2EvmMessage) - Sent cross-chain message, (got from the getEvm2EvmMessage function).

Return values:

  • Promise<void> - Either resolves with no value if the message is successfully routed, or reverts.

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