CCIPLocalSimulatorFork.sol - usage with Foundry

Note: the RPC URLs here must point to archive nodes.

Foundry Fork-Testing Guide

Note also that in Foundry, scripts are generally written in Solidity, which may be different from what you've come to expect after using tools like Hardhat.

pragma solidity ^0.8.19;

import {CCIPLocalSimulatorFork} from "@chainlink/local/src/ccip/CCIPLocalSimulatorFork.sol";

contract Demo is Test {
    CCIPLocalSimulatorFork public ccipLocalSimulatorFork;

    uint256 sepoliaFork;
    uint256 arbSepoliaFork;

    function setUp() public {
        string memory ETHEREUM_SEPOLIA_RPC_URL = vm.envString("ETHEREUM_SEPOLIA_RPC_URL");
        string memory ARBITRUM_SEPOLIA_RPC_URL = vm.envString("ARBITRUM_SEPOLIA_RPC_URL");
        sepoliaFork = vm.createSelectFork(ETHEREUM_SEPOLIA_RPC_URL);
        arbSepoliaFork = vm.createFork(ARBITRUM_SEPOLIA_RPC_URL);

        ccipLocalSimulatorFork = new CCIPLocalSimulatorFork();

    function testDemo() public {
        sender.transferTokensPayLINK(arbSepoliaChainSelector, alice, address(ccipBnM), amountToSend);

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